Real Humans doing Superhuman things
The term superhuman refers to humans or human-like lifeforms with enhanced qualities and abilities that exceed those naturally found in humans. These qualities may be acquired through natural ability, self-actualization, or technological aids.

About Us
BodyFusion is Simply a Fitness-Centric Performance, Recovery, and Healing Facility.
We strongly focus on physical fitness training, strength and conditioning, whole-body holistic wellness, weight management and nutrition, anti-aging and longevity, cellular detoxification and rejuvenation, or to put it in two words; Functional Health.
What is Functional Health?
A Whole New Paradigm of Wellness.
FUNCTIONAL HEALTH is about your muscles, bones, joints, nerves, cells and everything else that’s responsible for your physical ability to move. It’s your mechanical well-being. But what Functional Health is really about is optimizing your ability to do the activities that you need to do and that you want to do, without being hampered by pain or injury. Whether that’s keeping up your weekly tennis or golf match, playing with your kids, or simply unloading your groceries, for some it is a little more like competing in a spartan race, running a marathon, or attempting a triathlon, the goal of Functional Health is to improve your capacity to perform your life.
A New Category of Health: Functional Health is a whole new kind of health. The only one that pertains specifically to your physical function, it fills the gap left by more traditional categories of health. Anything that impairs your ability to function normally whether it be physical or mental, compromises your Functional Health.
All by Design: The foundation of Functional Health is the body’s physical design, probably the most finely engineered design that exists. Like any high-end machine, the human body works best when it’s able to work like it’s meant to. That means joints moving properly, muscles in the right balance with each other, and so on. And the real key to optimal Functional Health is doing things–both your routine activities and your exercises–in ways that work with your body’s design, not against it. Simply put, when your body can’t work as designed, you pay the price in pain. So, improving your functional health is just a matter of understanding your body’s basic design and learning how to enhance it.
Being in Shape to Do Nothing: Most aches and pains don’t come from performing extraordinary feats; they come from doing routine activities. In fact, doing “nothing” is one of the riskiest things we do. Literally doing “nothing” (e.g. becoming a couch potato) as well as figuratively doing nothing (e.g. working at a desk, unloading the dishwasher) are responsible for more neck and back pain than any sport. The basic truth is that being in good Functional Health requires that your body be in shape to do whatever you’re asking it to do. In other words, you actually have to be in shape to do “nothing.” Sound ridiculous? Consider how long a professional chef can whisk a batter by hand….and then think about how long you’d last before the burning and cramping in your arm would make you cry uncle.
About Your Function: Not everyone needs the balance of a tightrope walker, the endurance of a pro cyclist or the strength of a bodybuilder. You determine what level of Functional Health you need to improve your performance of your life.
We take a total approach to fitness, recovery, and healing.
We push you beyond your limits, teaching you how to fuel your body, monitoring your progression, and helping you adopt a mindset that will not accept failure.
Whether you have been physically active on your own or ever worked within a training facility, we will make sure that you are comfortable in any setting.
To ensure that you have a positive experience, we will also see to it you feel emotionally and physically comfortable with every aspect of your experience at Body Fusion Holistic Wellness.

Adaptive Resistance Exercise (ARX) Training
The Advanced Resistance Exercise pushes you harder than you could ever push yourself, giving you a week’s worth of weightlifting in under thirty minutes. In just one session per week, you can safely build strength and endurance. After just one workout, you will see why it is quickly making traditional equipment extinct!
Interactive Neuromuscular Stimulation (INS)
Interactive Neuromuscular Stimulation (INS) is a unique summing of two waveforms. A high frequency alternating current waveform and a lower frequency pulsed direct current waveform. INS can stop the vicious cycle of neuromuscular deficiencies by first being able to search the body and identify not only the area of detectable dysfunction, but also undetectable and distant areas of dysfunctional tissue. The pain that is presenting is known as referred pain, and if treated alone without identification and treatment of the root cause the relief will only be temporary. It is imperative that the root cause be located in order to achieve successful rehabilitation throughout the entire kinetic chain. The INS technology innervates muscle tissue in the area of dysfunction and under dynamic action with the INS stimulus, the individual muscle at the root cause of the pain can be identified. The INS technology can overcome the inhibition of the identified dysfunctional muscle, enabling the muscle cell membrane potential to return to normal, thus allowing the muscle spasm to finally release and once again contract effectively. Meanwhile, the sensory nerve no longer detects pain, and so it allows the muscle to function properly. The smooth muscle cells of the capillaries also respond to the treatment and will lengthen and relax. This allows for vasodilation, restoration of blood flow to the injured area, and enhances rehabilitation and healing.
AI Cardio - Cardiovascular Optimization Logic (CAR.O. L) Training
C.A.R.OL Cuts Your Exercise Time by 83%; CAR.O.L is clinically-proven to give you the same cardio benefits of a 45-minute jog in under 9 minutes, with only 40 seconds of hard work. The Best High-Intensity Workout; CAR.O.L’s algorithms personalize your resistance to guarantee you hit max power every session. No other HIIT workout or fitness class comes close.
Biocharger – Whole Body Energy Revitalization Therapy
Come bask in subtle energies to optimize your health and wellness by restoring strength, stamina, coordination, and mental clarity. These energies are all around us in nature, but most of us are not outside enough to take in the proper amounts that our cells need to keep our bodies at optimal wellness levels. The BioCharger simultaneously transmits 4 distinct energy types found in nature including:
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field)
Frequencies & Harmonics
Photonic Energy (Light)
The energies are delivered through frequency programs, or recipes, that you select from a library of 800+ recipes to target an area of the body, or to support a desired outcome. So, in just about 15 minutes, you can bathe yourself in nature's energies and receive that extra boost to help you feel invigorated, renewed, and full of wellness.
Micro-Impact Skeletal Exercise / Dynamic Motion Therapy
Experts agree that Cardio, Muscle, and Brain Exercises are critical to great overall health, but what if you discovered you were missing an exercise that the surgeon general says is just as important – Skeletal Exercise! Did you know that your bones make your red and white blood cells? Did you know that your bones help regulate hormones like testosterone and growth hormones? Did you know that your bones help with blood sugar regulation? Did you know that your bones help produce stem cells; The type that help repair your joints, muscles, ligaments, and nerves. I bet you thought your skeleton as there to just hold you up. Well, it turns out that your skeleton needs a unique type of exercise to function properly. That type of exercise is micro impact, and your bones crave it!
Physiotherapy Table
The Migun Physiotherapy Table is cutting edge whole body integrative pain management therapy. Migun Therapy will help to improve most types of back pain and chronic pain and also helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Many users report the ability to reduce or eliminate certain medications. What is Migun Therapy? Migun Therapy provides a treatment method that focuses on reducing pain levels by incorporating the science of movement. It helps to improve, restore, maintain, and maximize motion, functional strength, and overall well-being by addressing underlying issues. It is an over the counter FDA approved Class II medical device designed to treat many different kinds of pain, including those resulting from both acute and chronic conditions. How does Migun work so effectively to reduce pain and stress? Migun’s new technology combines natural treatments inspired by the sciences of chiropractic therapies, acupressure, massage, and far infrared heat therapy. These combined treatments were specifically chosen as the best modalities to help improve the body’s structure and function with the intention of reducing pain, alleviating stress, and the many undesirable effects it causes in the body. This therapy also helps to gently detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system to keep the body in a healthier state. A scientifically engineered track helps to gently, flex and stretch the spine. Patented jade probes apply targeted acupressure along the autonomic nervous system helping to encourage balance and calm.
Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna
Saunas can quickly and effectively help you get back to feeling amazing again. Sauna therapy has been around for centuries as a way to detoxify your body, but did you know that full spectrum infrared saunas can go even further by heating up your body’s core to a cellular level where most toxins are stored? Infrared’s deep penetrating heat is what most effectively stimulates metabolic activity, which in turn triggers the release of stored toxins through sweat, as well as through the liver and kidneys. Think about it; this is why your body goes into fever conditions when you are sick – a hotter body increases metabolic activity, kills unwanted intruders, and stimulates the release of toxins. Viruses and sometimes even tumor cells can be destroyed in the face of heat. Highly emissive far infrared saunas help recreate your body’s fever-like response condition by raising your core body temperature to make you feel better inside and out.
Photobiomodulation (PBM) / Red Light Therapy
Red light therapy has been studied and tested across hundreds of peer-reviewed clinical trials, with overwhelmingly positive results for skin health, collagen production, physical performance & muscle recovery, sleep, joint pain, inflammation, and a lot more. That is without drugs, chemicals, UV rays, invasive procedures, or other common side effects. High-quality red light therapy delivers concentrated wavelengths of natural light to your skin and cells, without dangerous UV rays or excess heat. All you have to do is sit or stand near a device for 10-20 minutes to charge your cells. The more surface area of your body you can cover, the more your cells absorb natural light, and the more full body benefits you can expect to see with consistent use.
Vibration Training
A vibration plate is a fitness training system that can increase your weight loss potential by helping you burn more than 170 calories in just five minutes. The vibration plate also stimulates your muscles, improves the flow of the lymphatic system, decreases blood pressure, and increases blood circulation and oxygenation. Training with a vibration plate involves holding a series of sitting, lying, and standing poses on the plate. The vibrations of the plate cause greatly increased levels of muscle contraction. They also force your muscles to contract repeatedly and alternately for improved muscle strength, balance, and coordination.

Contact Us
Stoneleigh Plaza
18 Lafayette Road
North Hampton, NH 03862